Association of Directors of Education in Wales

The Association of Directors of Education in Wales (ADEW) is the professional group of local authority officers accountable for statutory education functions in each of the Local Authorities in Wales.


The Association has a long established role in advising on the strategic development and delivery of education and other associated initiates on behalf of local authorities in Wales.


ADEW’s aims for the 21st Century, as it works within the devolution context, is to more actively collaborate with the National Assembly for Wales, The Welsh Local Government Association and other public, private and professional bodies in Wales. It has the capacity and capability to put in place innovative and creative solutions to social, economic regeneration and environmental challenges faced by individuals and communities.


Lifelong learning services champion the futures of all children, young people and their families within each community. The vision is to act and, through action, change things for the better. The role of education as a universal service is changing but the universal truth is that education is core to meeting the needs and enriching the lives of all families and children, including the vulnerable.


Lifelong learning is the key to unlocking the potential in each individual on the one hand and in releasing the potential of communities on the other to regenerate and experience increased prosperity, good health and well-being. Estyn and Audit Commission evidence points to consistent success by education services in their varying roles.


The vision is to provide excellence in services through Integration, Inclusion and Innovation.


ADEW provides a considered, co-ordinated and professional contribution to the development of education for children and families and lifelong learning initiatives in Wales. It ensures effective leadership and efficient management of innovative delivery arrangements, through integration of services and inclusion of all.


ADEW recognises that its most valuable resource lies in the membership, commitment, and attendance of Directors at meetings and the inclusion of second, third and fourth tier officers in various subgroups, often chaired by a Director. In this way, the skills, expertise and experience of officers across Wales is utilised to influence and advise local politicians and drive policy and support management in the delivery. Succession planning is an urgent driver to ensure that we do not lose expertise from public services.

