Eligible businesses impacted by Omicron urged to apply for financial support

Wednesday, 09 February 2022 Categories: Finance and Resources News
Wednesday, 09 February 2022

Eligible businesses in Wales that have been impacted by the rapid spread of Omicron are being urged to apply to their local council for financial support.


Two grants are being administered by councils on behalf of the Welsh Government.


Retail, hospitality, leisure, and tourism businesses in Wales can be considered for a payment of £2,000, £4,000 or £6,000 depending on their rateable value. Registration opened on 13 January 2022 for this Non-Domestic Rates (NDR) linked grant. The fund will be open until Monday, 14 February 2022.


A discretionary fund is also being administered by local councils to support supply chain businesses to the four affected sectors. The fund can provide £1,000 to eligible sole traders and freelancers and £2,000 to eligible employing businesses that have been financially impacted by the restrictions to the business sectors that they supply. Applications to the discretionary fund can be made until Monday, 14 February 2022.


The financial support and business grant follows the announcement from the Economy Minister Vaughan Gething that £120 million would be available for retail, hospitality, leisure, and tourism business in Wales affected by latest restrictions and their supply chains in Wales.


Councillor Rob Stewart, WLGA Economic Development, Inward Investment and Energy spokesperson said:


“Throughout the pandemic, local authorities have worked hard to support businesses who have been hit by the great difficulties posed by the pandemic. We welcome the latest £120 million package by Welsh Government, which will help to ease the pressure on Welsh businesses.


“We urge any eligible businesses to visit their local authority’s website for more details, and to apply for funding before applications close.”


If you are interested in applying for the above grants, please check your local authority website for more details. Businesses can also access the Local Authority funds via the Business Wales website COVID-19 Support for Business.




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