Frequently Asked Questions

​Do I need to be an experienced member to attend?


  • Any member can attend as long as they have sufficient experience to actively participate. This means that participants will need to be sufficiently involved in decision making or policy development or review within the council and leadership in the community to apply their learning to real situations.

Do I need to be ‘academic’ to participate?


  • No! This programme is very practical. You’ll need to be engaged throughout and willing to talk and listen to colleagues but the facilitators are down to earth and there is no formal written work or assessments.

Do I need to attend every session?


  • Yes. In order to graduate from the programme and receive a certificate, you will need to attend each of the three modules. Please note that the programme has been updated and now includes a virtual session (module number 2). The virtual sessions will be delivered through Teams.  

How do I get the most out of the programme?


  • Be proactive, have a clear idea of what you want to achieve as a result of attending. Do you want to develop your leadership skills? If so what will you apply your new skills to? Do you have a particular challenge you need help with? What are your plans for the next year? can you refine or test them with colleagues on the programme?

Part of the course is residential; do I need to stay over? 


  • Each programme consists of three modules – the first and last are residential.  To reflect the shift to remote working we now offer the second module virtually. For the residential elements, although the official course delivery stops at the end of the day, much of the important discussion and learning continues over dinner and into the evening. Previous participants have suggested that these informal discussions and comparing practice and approaches are just as important as the facilitated sessions.

Is there much preparation for the course?


  • Not much, any pre work will only take about an hour per module and is not onerous. It’s very important however to come prepared in order to get the most out of the time with colleagues and facilitators.

How many councillors can attend from each authority?


  • This depends on overall numbers. Initially authorities are offered 2 places over both programmes. However, if every council does not take up its entitlement further places will be available. Attendance will be capped at 3 - 4 councillors per authority per programme to maintain confidentiality in action learning sets.

Who pays for travel and accommodation?


  • All accommodation and meals are paid for as part of the programme. However, if Councillors wish to stay on the night before the programme starts this must be organised and paid for by the Council. Councils will be expected to pay travelling expenses and any parking costs.  We encourage delegates to make use of public transport whenever possible.

Can I bring a partner if they pay for their accommodation?


  • Because both the formal and informal aspects of the programme are only available to members, partners are unable to attend. If a member requires assistance from a carer, they will of course be accommodated. Please note for the virtual module, the nominated delegate is the only person approved to be on the video call. No one else should be on the call.

Who decides who will attend the programme?


  • Your council will have a procedure for prioritising and nominating councillors to attend the programme. We offer two guaranteed places per council across the two programmes. Depending on the level of demand, we may be able to offer a first reserve and second reserve place. However, no more than four councillors from your council can take part. This year we are introducing a new booking system, which will work as follows:


  • Heads of Democratic Services should email WLGA.Improvement@wlga.gov.uk to provide details of the 2 nominated councillors, and the first and second reserves with the following information: (1) Name, (2) Email address, (3) Preferred programme - North Wales / South Wales / Either


  • Heads of Democratic Services will receive confirmation of which councillors have been offered a place. They must inform the relevant councillors


  • Councillors with a confirmed place can book themselves onto the programme through the WLGA website. 


  • The closing date for nominates is: To be confirmed

