​WLGA unveils seven key asks to reinvigorate rural communities

Monday, 25 January 2021

A bold vision for Wales’ rural communities has been launched today by the WLGA, ahead of this year’s Senedd election and a new Welsh Government.

WLGA’s Rural Forum, comprised of Wales’ nine rural authorities, has outlined its seven key asks of the newly elected Senedd and Welsh Government to support vibrant and dynamic communities across rural Wales. The seven calls are to:

  1. Support the diversifying of the economic base with a circular economy approach to natural rural products.
  2. Create a targeted rural youth programme to invest, upskill, attract and retain bright and talented young people in rural communities.
  3. Add value to rural infrastructure.
  4. Ensure sustainable tourism supporting local communities, businesses and people.
  5. Tailor housing policies to reflect local community needs.
  6. Invest in a Smart and Thriving Rural Towns initiative.
  7. Support community wealth building and address the ‘Missing Middle’.


Councillor Dyfrig Siencyn (Gwynedd), Rural Forum Joint Chair said:

“The vision we’ve mapped out today is borne out of working closely as a WLGA Rural Forum, and it is also the culmination of extensive engagement with partners and residents themselves. We want to see the potential of rural Wales being fully unlocked in a sustainable way which benefits our rural  communities’ residents and visitors alike. We want them to be vibrant and viable destinations in which to live, work and to raise young families. And we want to secure the future of rural Wales for generations to come. The next cohort of elected Members of the Senedd and Welsh Government will have a vitally important role in realising these ambitions, and we look forward to working with them to improve the lives of residents in our rural communities.”


Councillor Rosemarie Harris (Powys), Rural Forum Joint Chair said:

“Wales is built on our rural communities. But they aren’t static museums; they are living, breathing places that are home to much of Wales’ population. This Rural Vision outlines how the new Senedd and Welsh Government can help to develop the people, places and local economies in these areas over the next term. Covid, Brexit and climate change will all have unique impacts on our rural communities and economies. A striking commitment will be needed to match a bold vision not only to ride out these effects, but also to secure a sustainable and thriving future.”



Notes to Editors

  • The WLGA Rural Forum is comprised of the nine rural local authorities, which are: Conwy County Borough Council, Carmarthenshire County Council, Ceredigion County Council, Denbighshire County Council, Gwynedd Council, Pembrokeshire County Council, Powys County Council, Monmouthshire County Council, Ynys Môn County Council
