Posts in Category: COVID-19 (Youth Services - Recovery)

Guidance for Staff on the Re-opening of Youth Centres and face-to-face support (Ceredigion CC) 

Ceredigion County Council  understand that this period has been, and continues to be, a very difficult time for all. Children and young people have not been able to spend time with their friends, peers and support staff such as youth workers, whom many see as trusted adults. There is growing evidence that this lack of interaction impacts on young people’s mental and emotional health and wellbeing, so the Council are preparing and planning the re-opening of face-to-face provisions such as youth centres as safe, educational and fun environments once again. The Guidance for Staff document is for staff delivering support and interventions within the local authority youth centre buildings, however many aspects can be related to other family and education based settings and aligns with objectives set out in the Council’s COVID-19  Phase 3: Adjustment Phase and Long Term Resilience Strategy

NB: this guidance is based on current information (18 June 2020) and will be updated accordingly.

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