Resources – Procurement


Case Studies - CYD Procurement

Local Authority Sustainable Procurement Toolkit

This Toolkit is developed to support local authorities with embedding decarbonisation and sustainability into procurement at all levels. 

‘Supporting Local Authorities with the decarbonisation of emissions from procured goods and services’ Report

The report outlines a series of high-level conclusions and recommendations for short- and longer-term action from the Welsh Government, the WLGA, and Local Authorities to drive forward decarbonisation through procurement. These will be reviewed and progressed as part of the TaRSPs work and we look forward to using this report and its recommendations to do so.

Brief Guidance on producing a Carbon Reduction Plan

To support SMEs/companies with producing a Carbon Reduction Plan we have produced a short piece of guidance that includes links to training, templates, and guidance on producing a plan and calculating their carbon footprint from their activities.

Scope 3 GHG Measurement and Reporting Protocols for Food and Drink (WRAP Cymru)

Guidance developed for WRAP Cymru’s Courtauld Commitment – a voluntary agreement tackling food waste, GHG emissions and water stress across the entire food chain.

Carbon WARM tool (WRAP Cymru)

Carbon Waste and Resources Metric (Carbon WARM) is a set of conversion factors to express waste management tonnage data in terms of their Greenhouse Gas emissions relative to landfill.

Welsh Procurement Policy Note: Decarbonisation through procurement (Welsh Government)

Ecological criteria for procurement of goods and services (EcoBuy Vienna)

Sustainable Procurement Hierarchy Guidance - 2021 (Wrap Cymru)

This short, practical guide provides a Sustainable Procurement Hierarchy together with guiding principles and examples.

Public sector guidance on the procurement of sustainable products - 2020 (Wrap Cymru)

This guidance document has been designed to help public sector organisations embed sustainability into their procurement processes and make low carbon material choices.

Public sector guidance on the procurement of plastics - 2019 (Wrap Cymru)

This document provides basic information that public bodies in Wales can draw upon and use to tackle the environmental impact of plastic.

Public Sector Procurement: Case Study Page (Wrap Cymru)

Case studies from the Welsh Public Sector which highlight examples of best practice regarding sustainable procurement.

Supporting sustainable public sector procurement in Wales (Wrap Cymru)

Circular economy procurement framework (Ellen MacArthur Foundation)

This framework provides an overview of the intervention points organisations can use to make their purchasing choices more circular and engage their suppliers in conversations and collaborative circular partnerships.

Procuring for Repair, Reuse and Remanufacturing (Zero Waste Scotland)

This guidance, is intended to help those responsible for the commissioning, specifying and procurement of products, equipment and services embed the benefits arising from a relevant and proportionate focus on Repair (including durability), Re-use (preparing for re-use which may involve minor refurbishment) and Remanufacturing and related intervention measures. 

Public Procurement for a Circular Economy - 2017 (European Commission)

Good practice and guidance.

Empowering the Circular Economy through procurement - 2017 ( (Article)

How procurement has a major role to play in the transition towards a circular economy.


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The Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA) represents the interests of local government and promotes local democracy in Wales.

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