National Commissioning Board Wales

Commissioning Care Wales (CCW) is a collaborative with the broad purpose of improving the quality of social care and health commissioning in Wales and to develop effective practice in relation to integrated commissioning between local authorities and local health boards. 


CCW is made up of representatives from councils, NHS, Regional Partnership Board leads, National Provider Forum, Third Sector (WCVA & Citizens Cymru), Wales procurement officers, Social Care Wales, Care Inspectorate Wales, WLGA, National Commissioning Teams and Welsh Government. 


Our vision is of a whole system of care, in which services delivered by different providers are co-ordinated seamlessly for and around the individual, are focussed on well-being outcomes and deliver public value. 


Our mission is to achieve our vision by: 


  • Providing national perspective on the care and support market. 
  • Actively seeking to promote a coherent approach to commissioning practice. 
  • Supporting Regional Partnership Boards (RPBs) to fulfil their duties in relation to effective regional commissioning and pooling of funds. 
  • Establishing a shared, collaborative, authoritative and trusted voice across the partners. 
  • Driving implementation of good practice regionally across Wales. 
  • Influencing national policy and putting policy into practice. 


Our values are a set of eight guiding principles that shape every aspect of what we do. We are: 


  • Trusted 
  • Professional 
  • Knowledgeable  
  • Supportive 
  • Collaborative 
  • Authoritative  
  • Influential 
  • Innovative 


Work Programme



The Boards’ projects include




For more information contact: Maria Bell

  About us

The Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA) represents the interests of local government and promotes local democracy in Wales.

  Contact Us

Tel : 02920 468680
Mail :
We welcome calls and correspondence in Welsh
Business Hours : Mon - Thurs 8:30 - 5:00, Fri - 08:30 - 16:30