Waste Services Financial Benchmarking Hub


The Waste Services Financial Benchmarking Hub has been developed in conjunction with Data Cymru and provides a detailed repository of financial data relating to waste and recycling services from Wales’ 22 local authorities. The data covers:


  1. Food Waste
  2. Dry recycling
  3. Residual Waste
  4. Household Recycling Centres
  5. Commercial Waste


The Hub was created following a review conducted by Ricardo AEA into the benchmarking Wales work. Its objective is to improve the data dissemination of the benchmarking work. By collating the data also in one place the Hub allows for waste officers within local authorities the opportunity to interrogate and access the data as and when they wish.


To use the Hub an online password protected account will need to be created - open link to register (This website is currently unavailable). When registering, please specify that it’s the waste data which you are interested in when prompted by the question “Why do you need access to the Benchmarking Hub?”

For more information contact: Barry Williams
